J Gailhard
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Serious advice to a preservative against the blasphemous heresie of Socinianism by J.G.G. (1695)
A just and sober vindication of the observations upon the thirtieth of January, and twenty ninth of May by J.G.G. (1694)
Some observations upon the keeping the thirtieth of January, and twenty ninth of May by J.G.G. (1694)
The present state of the republick of Venice as to the government, laws, forces, riches, manners, customes, revenue, and territory of that ... Candia / written by J. Gailhard, gent. (1669)
The blasphemous Socinian heresie disproved and confuted wherein the doctrinal and controversial parts of those points are handled, and the adversaries scripture and school-arguments answered (1697)
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